Monday, November 10, 2008

Prop 8 and the people who say yes.

I've been trying really hard to understand the "other side." I've been trying really hard to think of reasons why anyone would say yes to prop 8. And most of all, I've been really racking my brains as to why some of MY PEERS & MY FRIENDS would say yes to prop 8. I know I've told people that I respect their opinions because I feel that my opinion should be respected as well. But to be quite honest, I'm finding it completely and utterly impossible to respect people who feel that discriminating against homosexuals (who, btw, are HUMAN BEINGS AS WELL) is okay.

Today I saw a facebook event group labelled "Wear blue if you voted yes on prop 8-- sponsored by Arcadia High School" and I was disgusted. I do not understand why a certain group of people's religious beliefs should be forced on to everyone else. I do not understand why it's ok to take away a person's fundamental right as a citizen just because it's against some people's religion. In fact, I do not find ANY justification for making certain individuals second class citizens. But most of all, I am disgusted at the fact that it's students from my city's local high school that's promoting this event. Here I am, thinking the win of prop 8 was simply a generational win-- only to find out that I have PEERS who think prop 8 should be passed. I am so disappointed.

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